Friday, July 16, 2004

You Might Be An A-Hole!!

At one time or another in our lives, most of us (maybe even "The Shack") have acted like an a-hole. If you have done any of the things listed below, you too might be an a-hole. This is written along the same lines as Jeff Foxworthy's "You Might Be a Redneck" The unwritten refrain to each line here is "You might be an a-hole."

If you set off fireworks at any time other than July4 and maybe New Years.....

If your car stereo, especially the base, can be heard for several miles ahead of and behind you car, even with the windows closed......

The above applies to your home stereo also...keep your frickin noise to yourself!!

If you damage other people's property.....

If you park in a handicapped parking spot, and you are not handicapped....

If you pass someone while approaching a traffic light, pull in front of them and then stop for the light......

If you degrade other people, bully them or make fun of them because they are different....

If someone tells you that something you are doing is bothering them,
and you continue to do it or do it even more...

If you pull out in front of someone and make them slam on their brakes...this is especially true if there is little or no traffic behind them or if you are driving a tractor-trailer or dump truck....

If you call me to see me something, then hang up when I answer, or cannot pronounce my name correctly, or speak clear English......

If you drive a car, truck or motorcycle with an extremely loud or nonexistent exhaust system........

If you are a parent and allow your children to engage in any of the above or any other annoying or illegal activities...............

Check back for more as Shack thinks of them!!

--So Sayeth The Shack

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